DPP 3.12.52
- 从官网下载dpp3.12.52x.dmg
- 双击装载镜像,复制dpp3.12.52x_updater.app到任意其他目录(比如:下载)
- 在dpp3.12.52x_updater.app上鼠标右键,点击“显示包内容/Show Package Contents”
- 进入Contents/Resources/目录,删除Info.datx文件
- 返回上一级目录Contents,进入MacOS目录,双击运行OFICore
* Files you downloaded are compressed as “.zip” or “.gz” files
* Double click on the file and it will expand to the disk image file extension “.dmg”
* Click on image file EU211.4x-updater.dmg, it will mount it as disk mount
* Transfer (copy) content where you want (exmp: desktop)
* After copying unmount dmg image
* Click on desktop copy: ‘Show Package Contents’
* Navigate to ./Contents/Ressources/ and delete the Info.datx file
* Close window
* Run Installation
* Files you downloaded are compressed as “.zip” or “.gz” files
* Double click on the file and it will expand to the disk image file extension “.dmg”
* Click on that image file, it will mount it as disk
* We should copy (extract) UpdateInstaller to our disk
* Eject disk image
* We will modify UpdateInstaller
* Click on UpdateInstaller and go to “Show Package Contents”
* It will open new window with Contents
* Navigate to Contents/Resources and find the SDI.bundle file.
* Click on the SDI.bundle and ‘Show Package Contents’ again
* Now navigate to Contents/Resources and locate a file called update.plist
* Delete update.plist file
* Close opened windows and run UpdateInstaller it should install now!
* Files you downloaded are compressed as “.zip” or “.gz” files
* Double click on the file and it will expand to the disk image file extension “.dmg”
* Click on that image file, it will mount it as disk
* We should copy (extract) UpdateInstaller to our disk
* Eject disk image
* We will modify UpdateInstaller
* Click on UpdateInstaller and go to “Show Package Contents”
* It will open new window with Contents
* Now navigate to Resources and locate a file called update.plist
* Delete update.plist file
* Close opened windows and run UpdateInstaller it should install now!